Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Friday

Yes, I do still have my eyebrows.

Am finally befriending various pharmaceuticals to deal with unpleasant side effects. Better living through chemicals!

Oncologist's nurse threw cold water all over the NYT piece that's been giving me agita since I read it. She says that the greatest chance for recurrence occurs within the first two years. After that -- and especially after the 5-yr milestone -- it goes down. I can barely describe how happy this makes me.

So. let's do this again. I'm stage 2b.
Chance of recurrence out of the gate: 25%
Treatment cuts that in half: 12%
Thus, the 5-yr survival chance: 88%
After 5 years: 88% OR HIGHER

Not 50%, you crazy bitch. You owe me -- and all the other freaked out cancer patients out there -- an apology.


  1. Sigh .... I am SOO happy you have pursued these statistics! Lesson: ALWAYS ask more questions of medical folks...until YOU are satisfied.

  2. right on my sweet sweet sista!!!
    Now, THAT is what I like to hear!!
    Tomorrow = HALF WAY FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
