Friday, August 19, 2011

Clinical trials

Ahem. Back to the matter at hand.

A friend has suggested that since I have the most common form of a most common ailment (meaning that the common drug regimens have been well-tested and used), and that my chances of survival are so high, that I not take a risk by participating in a clinical trial for chemo.

I must admit that I had been thinking on the opposite tack: that if I could find a trial that used common drugs, but perhaps in smaller doses, then perhaps I would sign up. Arguably (said the layman), this would mean less toxins for my body, but also that fewer cancer cells would die. Would I rather die of the damage caused by toxins, or from a cancer recurrence?   *sigh*

Or, as he also pointed out.... there's always the speeding bus that would make the question moot.

My only other thought on the subject is that a dear friend passed away due to a clinical trial for hormone replacement drugs in which she was participating.

More thought needed on this subject.


  1. Some clinical tests operate with two groups of folks -- one of which gets a placebo. Hopefully "they" won't allow such toying with folks who have cancer. But I do not know .... just a thought.
